
What is the best pet snake for <爱尬聊_健康养生>a beginner?
culittlewhite 9小时前

Answer 1: Corn snakes are usually the best option for beginners because of their docile nature and easy care requirements.

心悦小课堂 9小时前

Answer 4: Gopher snakes are also a good choice for beginners because they are docile and easy to handle.

coool86 9小时前

Answer 5: Western hognose snakes make good beginner pets because they are gentle and easy to care for.

蝼蚁们 9小时前

Answer 6: Rosy boas are a great option for beginners because they are relatively small and easy to care for.

冰川世纪楔子 9小时前

Answer 3: Rat snakes are a great beginner pet snake because they are easy to handle and require minimal care.

小瓶盖 9小时前

Answer 2: King snakes are another good choice for beginners because of their calm disposition and hardy nature.

编辑 举报 2023-04-18 13:31


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