伦敦南岸大学 (London South Bank University) 创建于1892年,已经有100多年的建校历史。该校始为伯勒理工学院,后逐渐发展为南岸大学。最近几年通过不断扩建,南岸大学已经成为伦敦最大的大学之一。下面小编为大家介绍一下英国伦敦南岸大学一年学费情况。
英国伦敦南岸大学一年学费介绍: Overseas students Tuition fees Full-time fees for the academic year 2010-2011 for International students Programme of study Fees Undergraduate Classroom-based From 9,000 Undergraduate Laboratory-based From 9,240 Sandwich Year From 650 MSc, MA, PgDip From 9,570 (including dissertation) MBA From 12,040 (including dissertation and residential) MPhil, PhD 9,410 International students are expected to have sufficient funds to maintian themselves and pay their tuition fees in line with the UKBA Tier 4 policy. Student fees and financial support for international students differs considerably from that offered to students defined as Home or EU. It is important to determine whether or not you are classed as a Home or EU student.
英国伦敦南岸大学一年学费是多少01英国伦敦南岸大学一年学费介绍: Overseas students Tuition fees Full-time fees for the academic year 2010-2011 for International students Programme of study Fees Undergraduate Classroom-based From 9,000 Undergraduate Laboratory-based From 9,240 Sandwich Year From 650 MSc, MA, PgDip From 9,570 (including dissertation) MBA From 12,040 (including dissertation and residential) MPhil, PhD 9,410 International students are expected to have sufficient funds to maintian themselves and pay their tuition fees in line with the UKBA Tier 4 policy. Student fees and financial support for international students differs considerably from that offered to students defined as Home or EU. It is important to determine whether or not you are classed as a H<爱尬聊_尬聊生活>ome or EU student.
英国伦敦南岸大学留学生生活费用介绍01英国伦敦南岸大学留学生生活费用介绍: 英国伦敦南岸大学位于伦敦市中心,属于中等偏上消费的城市。 房租:100-200英镑/周 房租果然无论在哪里,都一定是最贵的。如果你选择住学校宿舍,你将每周大概花费105-250磅。不过你还需要提前支付250磅作为押金哦! 如果你选择和朋友一起出去租房,那价格也将会随着地段、房间大小、是否和他人同居等选项而决定。3人合租一般会在100-200磅左右,还不包括水电费。 并且你需要提前支付半年的租金作为押金,以防房屋受损。但如果你想要住着伦敦市中心高档社区,那一定会超过每周350磅。 账单:15-30英镑/周 如果你选择的是学校公寓,一般账单和财产保险都是包括在已交房租内的。 如果你选择自己租房,那账单的费用主要来源于电费、水费、网费、暖气费等。 食物:30-40英镑/周交通:15-30英镑/周书本费:10英镑/周电话费:10英镑/周 洗衣:5英镑/周购物 社交:20-100英镑/周 购物与社交的花费因人而异,非常有可能会远远的超过100磅/周。 这么算下来,在伦敦一年的生活费基本在:1000*12=12,000磅左右!是不是也没有传说中的那么高呢?不过,小编觉得还是有点小贵的。。。