Michael Cook, CEO of Macquarie Capital Alliance Group - part of Macquarie Bank; NSWIT - Bachelor of business studies (accounting) Anna Funder, author of Stasiland; Faculty of Humanities - Master s degree in creative writing Morris Iemma, politician and premier of NSW; Faculty of Law - Master s degree in law Hugh Jackman, actor; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor s degree in communications (j<爱尬聊_生活百科>ournalism) Hon. Justice Tricia Kavanagh, NSW Industrial Relations Commissioner; Faculty of Law - Bachelor s degree in law (1981), Doctor of Philosophy in law (1998) Christian Kent, former Chairman of Chaser Corporation; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Bachelor s degree in applied science (computing) 朱大可,同济大学文化批评研究所教授,哲学博士 杨恒均,著名的时事评论家、学者,博士 林杰,国际法学者,国际法硕士
悉尼科技大学有哪些知名校友?01Michael Cook, CEO of Macquarie Capital Alliance Group - part of Macquarie Bank; NSWIT - Bachelor of business studies (accounting) Anna Funder, author of Stasiland; Faculty of Humanities - Master s degree in creative writing Morris Iemma, politician and premier of NSW; Faculty of Law - Master s degree in law Hugh Jackman, actor; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor s degree in communications (journalism) Hon. Justice Tricia Kavanagh, NSW Industrial Relations Commissioner; Faculty of Law - Bachelor s degree in law (1981), Doctor of Philosophy in law (1998) Christian Kent, former Chairman of Chaser Corporation; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Bachelor s degree in applied science (computing) 朱大可,同济大学文化批评研究所教授,哲学博士 杨恒均,著名的时事评论家、学者,博士 林杰,国际法学者,国际法硕士
悉尼科技大学得过哪些奖?01悉尼科技大学是目前澳大利亚最大的综合性政府公立大学之一,在澳大利亚各高校各项指标评估中名列前茅。现已跻身于世界优秀五星大学行列。 UTS被泰晤士高等教育周刊评为世界上最具国际化的30所顶尖大学之一,并且UTS在澳大利亚校龄低于50年的大学中位列第一名。